Wednesday, January 7, 2009

(contains links to Facebook)

Between Jon Winet
and You

Mark McCusker
November 14 at 10:43am
What are your thoughts on Queer?
November 15 at 9:53am

Below, what I drafted yesterday and edited over the course of some hours. Your thoughts welcome.

Somewhat on the fly: what do I know? -- but given the request to put my $00.02 in, I venture to speculate that there is in fact a somewhat aggressive, intentionally confrontational stance embedded in the use of the word "Queer" in terms like "Queer Theory," "Queer Studies" and the likes.

African Americans can and do invoke the most taboo of words, the 'en word,' casually, even lovingly, but it's clearly a restricted privilege. To my ear, the same is true, although to a lesser extent, for the use of the word 'queer." I believe this is likely the case for most older, straight Americans in the 40 and up demographic. And I'm guessing this was the case for the reticent grants panelist.

The use of 'queer' by the gay community reclaims once hurtful and derisive language, and in the process, claims the 'safe' and 'empowered' space Mark McCusker rightly demands.

"We're here, we're queer. Get used to it."


November 15 at 11:29am
Thanks Jon!
You're Fabulous!

November 15 at 11:30am
(Above is my standard response. I'll send you a less camp response later. thanks so much for your thoughtful reply.)

November 15 at 12:27pm
You're most welcome! I look forward to the discussion ahead.

I'm saddened by the passage of Prop 8, but buoyed by the response.



P.S. I'm sure you've seen these, but just in case, below are a few links to Electoral College gay rights videos:

"Gay Marriage and Proposition 8"

"Obama: Gay Rights"